Innovative, Cost-Effective Quality Solutions.
For over 20 years SEL have assisted Architects, Consultants, Engineers and Contractors throughout the UK overcoming subterranean problems. SEL have developed a reputation to provide high quality systems and an all round service. SEL excel where the works aren't run of the mill and our engineering ability is put to the test to provide a technical solution to overcome challenging site issues such as high water table, unstable soils, high rock head, shallow outfall, contaminated soils or gassing issues.
SEL values its clients and strives to always identify the most cost-effective solution possible for their needs. This is achieved by using specialist software and know-how to offer optimised designs leading to the most economical and innovative solutions.
Complete Service
Early and continuous liaison between client, designer, engineer, supplier and contractor is the cornerstone of effective project delivery. With a wealth of experience, SEL will work closely and diligently with all parties to coordinate all aspects of a project to facilitate a successful completion. For total peace of mind, in addition to method statements, risk assessments, technical support and CAD details, all works are undertaken with commitment to best practice and under strict ISO9001 Quality
Assurance protocols.
SEL can provide complete design, supply and installation packages to suit your requirements. We can provide technical advice over the phone or full design support. We offer a free review service and have an extensive library of technical information, specifications and DWG CAD details we can provide for your assistance.
Solution & Products
SEL have a wide range of Products and Solutions for Sustainable Drainage, Green Infrastructure, Sports and Ground Gas Protection such as impermeable membrane and geotextile, flow control chambers, silt catchpit chambers, permavoid diffusers, cloud based remote water management, passive irrigation, tree pits, living walls, green roofs, blue roofs, gas barrier membranes, gas vent bollards, vent stacks. We can provide value engineered site specific proposals for car park drainage, attenuation tanks, permeable pavements, green infrastructure and control of ground gases. We are the UK's leading provider of rooftop sports installations such as artificial pitches, muga's, running lanes and playdecks.
Full Integration
All our SuDS solutions can integrate with green roofs, blue roofs, detention ponds, swales, permeable paving, rain harvesting, filter trenches, infiltration, voided sub-base attenuation, modular attenuation, refuelling area containment, oil interception and treatment and vehicle washdown areas. They are ideal to overcome high water table, unstable soils, high rock head, shallow outfall, contaminated soils or gassing issues.

SEL Environmental Ltd Tel: 01254 589987 Email: